Sunday, June 28, 2015

Lesson 4 - Bugler - Seurat

"It is the most loved, most scrutinized, and most enigmatic picture. It was an experiment and an obsession." - This was stated by the narrator of this documentary, Jeremy Bugler who captures the opinions of Georges Seurat's painting "A Sunday on La Grande Jatte - 1884".

What I found interesting about this video was that it didn't so much focus on the painter, but rather on the painting. It also had the most interviews held on any documentary seen so far. But it wasn't just interviews with art critics and historians but also of people going to the Art Institute of Chicago and seeing the painting and being asked what their reaction to the painting was. This was interesting to me because it wasn't just teaching us another history lesson on a painter and their masterpiece but rather what history was teaching the art lover and what they thought of it. I liked this video for the fact that the narrator didn't show himself in it. In my opinion it was because he was trying to place all the focus on the art and the painter, rather than himself, and he was just simply guiding us through it all. interesting fact about Seurat's painting was how long it took. Although it was an Impression, this painting took 2-4 years to be completed. In the painting there are 48 people, 8 boats, 3 dogs, and a monkey. Now what makes it so interesting is, because its an impression, where did Seurat get the idea to paint his exaggerated reality? By painting this through dots of colors, Seurat creates the most confusing, yet incredible painting during the Impressionism era.

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