Sunday, June 7, 2015

Lesson 1 - Lecture

The basis of this video was pretty much an introduction of the videos that needed to be watched in order to complete this weeks assignment, as well as understanding what Professor Peck is looking for in these blogs. Now, what struck my interest was how he described imagery as its own language. "Images transcend language, transcends time. They allow you to be able to understand things, people that don't speak your language." This makes sense because images have always been, in my opinion, self explanatory. Unless you are asked to look for something specific or determine a hidden meaning of the image, you can always maintain a clear understanding of what the image is showing or saying, in this case. Like in speaking a language, you can clearly understand when someone, who speaks your own language, states "I love dogs"and if someone, who didn't speak your language, could just as easily express the same sentence through the portrayal of a picture or painting and it would be understood just the same. It is a natural understanding of  speaking a language that can be detected through thought and listening and when looking at an image it is the detected language through thought and sight.

This film was different than the others because it was just a brief overview of what was to come in the other videos, which I liked because it prepared me for what I was about to learn. It slightly changed by understanding of film making due to the fact that I realized it's all about perspective. I say this because no scene was the same as the others. Professor Peck would change positioning of the camera, his stance in front of the camera, and even the scenery in which he recorded the video. This was more interesting to see because it wasn't like sitting in a classroom staring at the front of the room during the whole class. By changing what he was doing and where he was located, it forced me to pay attention because I felt like I was going to miss something if I didn't, despite the fact that it was only an overview. This helped me become aware of what was occurring in the video, which helped me for the other videos as well.

This is an image of the cave painted by Neanderthals in Spain that Professor Peck had us google.

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